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About Banglajol

About BanglaJOL

Bangladesh Journals OnLine (BanglaJOL) is a service to provide access to Bangladesh published research, and increase worldwide knowledge of indigenous scholarship.

What is BanglaJOL?
BanglaJOL is a database of journals published in Bangladesh, covering the full range of academic disciplines. The objective of BanglaJOL is to give greater visibility to the participating journals, and to the research they convey. BanglaJOL is managed by the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) and it is hosted by Ubiquity Press. It is also part of the Ubiquity Press Network.

Journals are selected for inclusion on BanglaJOL using the following criteria:

  1. They are scholarly in content, and contain original research (in addition to other content)
  2. Their content is peer reviewed and quality controlled
  3. They are able to provide all content for inclusion on BanglaJOL (tables of contents, abstracts and PDFs of full text) in electronic format
  4. They are published within Bangladesh. Management of publishing strategy, business development and production operation are all run from Bangladesh.

BanglaJOL provides information on each participating journal, including aims and scope, contact details and general information. It also provides Tables of contents and abstracts (where available) for all articles published within these journals. Most of the full text articles are also available. All the material on BanglaJOL is free to view, search and browse, however copyright of all content is retained by the journals or authors – each journal will need to give permission for any use or re-use of the content that falls outside Fair Use. BanglaJOL is not a publisher: BanglaJOL provides a service to the journals by hosting their content online, and actively promoting the website to encourage discovery of these titles and their articles. Individual journals are also using the website to publish their journals and they welcome submissions from registered users.

Privacy Statement
The way in which data is handled by BanglaJOL is explained in the Privacy Statement.

How journals can join BanglaJOL
If your journal is not included on BanglaJOL and you would like to participate, see the criteria for inclusion (in the section “What is BanglaJOL” above), and contact BanglaJOL directly – banglajol.info@gmail.com If you would like to recommend new journals for inclusion in BanglaJOL, please let us know – we are always looking for more titles.

Services for researchers
The journals are listed alphabetically, to help researchers find journals of relevance, and allow browsing of the journals. The website has a sophisticated searching tool, to help researchers locate articles of interest and relevance to their area of study. Email alerts also provide a reminder service, to alert researchers to newly-published issues from their selected titles. Each journal has its own home page, where researchers can find information about the aims and scope of the journal, and information on how to submit articles to each journal. If the journal is available in print, information about how to obtain copies is also given. Many journals publish in full text online. A few publish their full text at another website - links are provided from each article abstract page. Please remember to contact the journals directly if you have any questions for them - BanglaJOL is not the publisher of these journals.

History of BanglaJOL
Bangladesh Journals OnLine (BanglaJOL) was initiated in June 2007 and officially launched in September 2007. It is a project supported by INASP. In 2014, the management of BanglaJOL moved to the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS) and it is hosted by Ubiquity Press. It is also part of the Ubiquity Press Network.

BanglaJOL aims to promote the awareness and use of Bangladesh-published journals in all disciplines by providing access to tables of contents (TOCs), abstracts and full text on the Internet. BanglaJOL uses the Open Journals System created by the Public Knowledge Project based in Canada. This software is open source and allows the journal content listed on BanglaJOL to be indexed through Open Archives Initiative search engines dedicated to research, which harvest the metadata for each journal article, making this work readily available to a global audience, and giving the journals greater visibility among the worldwide research community.

Future plans for BanglaJOL
The primary goal of BanglaJOL is to facilitate worldwide access to the full text of Bangladesh Journals - either by hosting the full text online or redirecting users seamlessly to existing websites. We envisage BanglaJOL providing a range of online full text access models for journals, from complete open access to only subscribed access, with hybrid models of restricted access. On the current BanglaJOL system open access to full text is already possible. It is also hoped that the journals on the service will begin to allow online submission of articles and that they will conduct the whole editorial process in this online environment.

While BanglaJOL hosts journals, is takes no responsibility for the content on the journals made available on this site. BanglaJOL accepts content from journals in good faith, with the understanding that the material to be placed on the website contains nothing that is libellous, illegal, or an infringement of anyone's copyright or other rights. BanglaJOL retains the right to refuse to place any content on the website, and to remove anything that it considers to be either unsuitable or could lead to legal action. The views expressed on this website are those of the article authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of BanglaJOL or of Ubiquity Press.

Related Projects
Other Journals OnLine projects which are also part of the Ubiquity Press Network are: Nepal Journals Online (NepJOL), Sri Lanka Journals Online (SLJOL), Central American Journals Online (CAMJOL) and Mongolia Journals Online (MongoliaJOL). INASP also developed and managed African Journals Online (AJOL) until 2005, when management was transferred to an African Non Profit Organisation of the same name – see www.ajol.info for more information. Vietnam Journals Online (VJOL) was also managed and developed by INASP until 2009 when the management was transferred to NACESTI in Vietnam.

Another INASP project is AuthorAID which is a global research community that provides networking, mentoring, resources and training for researchers in developing countries. If you would like further information about these projects, please contact us by email.

Support for BanglaJOL
BanglaJOL is grateful to the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences for their support of this project.

Contact us BanglaJOL
Email: banglajol.info@gmail.com
Web: http://www.banglajol.info/